Took all the puppies over to mums to do some temperament testing. They all dod really well. Doyle Matt and Ruby all scored mostly 3s which apparently indicates they should be good pets. Doyle scored more 2s which indicated he is a bit more lively which is about right. one of the tests was to put the puppies ontop of a box with a ramp and see how quickly they learn to go up and down the ramp. all the puppies managed it with a bit of coaxing except Doyle who zoomed straight down without being shown and then zoomed straight back up again. A future agility dog?
The puppies all met mums cats, none of them were quite sure what to make of these strange creatures. The cats are well used to dogs so rubbed themselves over the puppies and bashed them if they stepped out of line.
I took the puppies out for a walk on the leads again, one at a time this time, they are getting much more confident and were quite happy to go along the road for a bit.