Not much happening at the moment. I have had more problems with the van so haven't been out anywhere and have missed a couple of agility training sessions. We are looking forward to this weekend though as Van permitting Saffy and Ruby are both enetered in an agility show in Shrewsbury. Ruby has been limping intermittently after hurting her foot nearly a month ago but hopefully she will be OK for the show.
This week I am off work and catching up with the gardening. I have reseeded the back garden and turfed over the bed in the middle of the lawn so will have more space for putting up jumps.
Ruby likes the new turf and has moved her stick collection from under the tree on to the new grass.
While the garden is too wet for jumping Saffy is getting her jumping practice in the house. all the dogs like looking through the serving hatch but Saffy is the only one so far who has found out that she can jump through it.
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