
Saffy - 28/10 - 11 Weeks old

a friend gave me several helium balloons for the children and Ashleigh brought them in and put them in the living room. Most of the dogs surprisingly didn't take any notice of them but Saffy and Ruby were rather worried about them. Saffy left the room and then would come back in, suddenly remember about the balloons give them a horrifed look and leave again. We just ignored her and she could see the other dogs around in the room. Then she saw Amber had left a bone unattended and started to chew that. Pretty soon she was in the room and taking no notice of the balloons as long as they were still. later on she decided the weight holding one of the balloons looked like a toy so she picked it up and started walking with it, then looked up and saw the balloon following her. She looked surprised but not worried enough to put the toy down. Ruby still isn't keen on the balloons but Saffy is fine with them.

Saffy is now starting to respond well to verbal cues. she deifinitley uderstands "sit" and "touch" and understands "stand" if I am sitting at my desk. need to work on stand in other places. She knows a hand signal for down and paw amd twist and spin. She can't stand still for more than a millisecond which does make it difficult to take good pictures of her standing. It usually takes about 20 attempts to get one reasonable picture. Most of the pictures I have are of Saffy asleep

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