
05 July 2008

This morning I decided to walk the dogs to the fields at the end of the road instead of our normal walk. I took Ruby and Saffy first. We were only about 200 yards from home when up ahead of us I saw about half a dozen sheep standing on the grass verge eating grass. Not a normal thing to find on a suburban housing estate.

It took Saffy and Ruby a second or two to realise what they were seeing but then they stared at them as if they couldn't believe their eyes. Ruby immediately sat and gave me eye contact which is her way of asking to be let off the lead to chase squirrels and rabbits. Of course I couldn't let her off so we carried on keeping to the other side of the road. I thought I might be able to go past them and then walk up to the farmhouse to let them know their sheep were out.

The sheep soon noticed us heading towards them so they trotted of down the road back towards the fields. The sight of the sheep moving was too much for Saffy and Ruby and they started squealing and tried to drag me after the sheep. I was glad I only had 2 with me as I don't think I could have held all four dogs.

We followed the sheep down the road and then they came to the first field it had its gate open and luckily the sheep decided to go in there, so I shut the gate on them so they wouldn't get back out on to the road and then set off in the directionof the farm house. The smell of sheep was still very strong down the road as there were sheep in the fields at the side of the road, Saffy and Ruby were dragging me a long convinced they were still in persuit of the sheep.

We got to the farm house but there was no body up so we headed back home and phoned the farmer to let him know where the sheep were. He sounded very sleepy so I had obviously woken him up.

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