
14 June 2008

Today was the Northern Belgian Shepherd dog club show. I hadn't entered the dogs as I didn't think I would be able to go but my op was canceled so I took Ruby and Saffy with me entered NFC. We had a very good day. Ruby behaved herself very well most of the time and Several people noticed and said how much happier she was looking. She talked to a lot of people and even let Laura run her up and down a couple of times.

Saffy happily impressed people with her tricks. spinning to the left and right, giving her paw and swapping from sit to down to stand on cue. She is a very happy little girl. She was also happy to bounce on people and wash their faces and bite their noses add ears.

Ruby and Saffy are such different characters. Ruby is gentle and reserved very careful not to bump into things which is useful for agility as she hates to knock jumps. Saffy however just charges through life, not caring who she knocks flying. She uses her head as a weapon to buffet people with and if she really likes you will bite at any part of your body that sticks out as a sign of affection. She hasn't started doing jumps in agility yet as she is still under 12 months but somehow I don't think she will be as careful as Ruby about knocking the poles.

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