
19 May 2008

Saffy had to have a night off from class tonight as she is still limping so ruby came instead. After class we did agility. Ann had her dogwalk up and it was set abut 4 foot high. We played arond on the contacts for a while while Ruby got used to it and then I asked her to do the DW. She did it several times without a problem. This is the highest dogwalk she has done since before the problems started.

I needed to work quite hard on control with ruby as Ann had a pony in half the field, separated from us only by a strand of wire and Ruby would have liked to go and chase it. at first i kept Ruby in the furthest corner away from the pony and gradually got nearer to it. We eventually did the weaves which were only about 10 feet from where the pony was standing and she did the weaves and came back to me and ignored the pony. I was very pleased with this as I Ruby has a very high prey drive and would have loved to chase him

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