
Saffy - 10/10 - 62 days old

Saffy had very busy afternoon helping me do some gardening. She did lots of useful things like tip the weeds out of the bucket I was putting them in and get in the way of the spade. I got the hose out to water the containers and Saffy joined with Amber and Dora to play with the water while Ruby and Casey hid inside.
This evening we went up to Ring craft for an hour. We didn't go in the classes. I sat with Ann taking the money and Saffy sat with us on the table by the door. Saffy liked Ann and and licked her face and snuffled her glasses. George came over to say hello and she washed Georges face. George went over Saffy and Saffy was quite happy with that.
Saffy said hello to Deanna and 8yo girl. As first Saffy seemed a little unsure of this small person. but once she found that there were bisuits on offer she soon changed her mind. Then she discovered that Deanna had long hair. Saffy likes biting long hair and luckily Deanna seems to like puppys biting her hair.

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