
Saffy - 12/10 - 9 Weeks Old

A quiet day today. We stayed at home and trained and played. Saffy will play with several different toys Her favorite is the squeaky fur fox we got from the petshop but she will play with rope and fleece tuggys. She will chase balls and is reasonably good at bringing them back. She can chase after a ball but needs to see it thrown or she loses it. She is starting to understand what leave means and will let go of the toy.

Saffy has definitely got the connection between click and treat. She really understands touch now and also has sit on cue. We are practicing down and stand. She is quite happy to stand and I move her feet around and handle her all over. She is OK with me lifting her lips to see her teeth. I will start getting other people handling her a bit more.

Saffy came training tonight but slept in her cage while I did the lesson. Afterwards she came out and said hello to the dogs and people that were still there. We practised sits, hand touches and eye contact.

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