
Saffy - 14/10 - 9 Weeks Old

A day at home. We have been out and about so much it is a good idea to stay at home and relax. We did do some training. We practised the stand and Ashleigh and Robin went over her. No problem with that. I am still working on teeth. She is not mad keen on having them looked at and moves her head away. Will keep working on it.

I Introduced different toys to play with. She is quite happy to play with lots of different toys and quite a lot of things that aren't toys such as my slippers, the mat by the back door, Dora's tail,....

Introduced the target stick today and she was very quickly touching that for a click. She is now eating much more variety of food. will try almost any titbits. She had a good chew on a chicken wing this afternoon. Her teeth are still too small to make much impression on it yet but she did like it. At least Saffy tried to eat hers. Ruby took hers to the bottom of the garden and buried it and then spent the rest of the afternoon sitting there to make sure no-one else dug it up again.

Saffy is growing well. Her new coat is coming through but is mainly black at the moment so he is starting to look a bit like a GSD. Her ears seem to be growing very tall which is adding to the look. Everyone she meets says how pretty she is.

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